Individual memory coaching

This is indi­vid­ual online mem­ory coach­ing: I work with you one-on-one to make your mem­ory phe­nom­e­nal

Why learn memorization techniques?

You will upload infor­ma­tion into your head as if it were a com­puter and then recall it with 100% pre­ci­sion: word for word, let­ter for let­ter, digit for digit. Whereas a nor­mal per­son can mem­orize and repeat only 7 ± 2 ele­ments.

The Mag­i­cal Num­ber Seven, Plus or Minus Two. It is often inter­preted to argue that the num­ber of objects an aver­age human can hold in short-term mem­ory is 7 ± 2. This has occa­sion­ally been referred to as Miller’s law

Memory trainer

Bogdan Rudenko is the founder and memory trainer of the Memory Development Center
Bogdan Rudenko is the founder and trainer of the Mem­ory Devel­op­ment Center, Ph.D. in Phi­los­o­phy of Sci­ence. For the past 19 years teaches mnemon­ics: helps peo­ple mem­orize infor­ma­tion.
Since 2005, he taught indi­vid­u­ally: he devel­oped meth­ods and looked for an approach to peo­ple of dif­fer­ent psy­cho­types. Since 2012, he teaches groups and trains com­pa­nies to help more peo­ple. More about the trainer

How does memory training go

We will study in real-time in web con­fer­ence mode: you are at home, but you train face-to-face with me.

See Zoom

You see the desk­top of my lap­top, work together with pre­sen­ta­tions, doc­u­ments and appli­ca­tions, syn­chronously view train­ing sites, video files, images.

The length of each ses­sion depends on your abil­i­ties. When I lead a two-day train­ing, there are “seven of one do not wait”: explained, dis­man­tled, and then move on. The stu­dent is respon­si­ble for the suc­cess or fail­ure. In indi­vid­ual train­ing, the dura­tion of the ses­sion is such that you under­s­tand and you get it: from 1 to 2 hours.

Mnemonics training program

The train­ing pro­gram I develop indi­vid­u­ally for each per­son. But in gen­eral, I train my clients in mem­oriza­tion skills in the fol­low­ing areas.

Max Maximov talks about Bogdan Rudenko’s memory training
Max Max­i­mov is a lawyer, busi­ness­man, and owner of a law firm in New York. An extremely edu­cated man. I am not talk­ing about the fact that he grad­u­ated from sev­eral uni­ver­si­ties. I am talk­ing about his intel­li­gence and eru­di­tion in gen­eral. And Max is also very wise: I jok­ingly call him “the Rebbe” and often lis­ten to his advice on life. Teach­ing him mnemon­ics was a real plea­sure for me



  • the pro­gram forms the ini­tial skill of mem­oriza­tion (the abil­ity to quickly con­vert mem­orized infor­ma­tion into asso­ci­a­tions, to com­bine images in the imag­i­na­tion and retain them in mem­ory for the nec­es­sary time, to con­cen­trate on the mate­rial and repeat large amounts of infor­ma­tion);
  • the nec­es­sary con­di­tion of the next levels (without the skill of mem­oriz­ing there is noth­ing to do fur­ther);
  • at this level, prac­tic­ing ways of mem­oriza­tion (they then fold into a coher­ent sys­tem and allow you to mem­orize with abso­lute pre­ci­sion any infor­ma­tion).

There are, then, two kinds of mem­ory: one nat­u­ral, and the other the prod­uct of art. The nat­u­ral mem­ory is that mem­ory which is imbed­ded in our minds, born simul­ta­neously with thought. The arti­fi­cial mem­ory is that mem­ory which is strength­ened by a kind of train­ing and sys­tem of dis­ci­pline. But just as in every­thing else the merit of nat­u­ral excel­lence often rivals acquired learn­ing, and art, in its turn, rein­forces and devel­ops the nat­u­ral advan­tages, so does it hap­pen in this ins­tance


  • to form the ini­tial skill of mem­oriza­tion.


  • pow­er­ful train­ing of visual think­ing;
  • devel­op­ment of atten­tion span;
  • learn­ing basic mem­oriza­tion tech­niques and prac­tic­ing them on a large num­ber of let­ter com­bi­na­tions, syl­la­bles, words, names, and num­bers.

Genius is the supreme abil­ity to con­cen­trate on the sub­ject being stud­ied

Practical value:

  • the abil­ity to mem­orize long sequences of dif­fer­ent infor­ma­tion (any native or for­eign lan­guage words, abs­tract con­cepts, names, let­ter com­bi­na­tions, num­bers);
  • the abil­ity to recall a sequence of infor­ma­tion in for­ward and back­ward order, selec­tively, by a key­word or ques­tion, in alpha­bet­i­cal order, or by serial num­ber.

The words or the lan­guage, as they are writ­ten or spo­ken, do not seem to play any role in my mech­a­nism of thought. The psy­chi­cal enti­ties which seem to serve as ele­ments in thought are cer­tain signs and more or less clear images which can be ‘vol­un­tar­ily’ repro­duced and com­bined. <...> This com­bi­na­tory play seems to be the essen­tial fea­ture in pro­duc­tive thought

Numerical characteristics:

  • 200-digit num­ber (20 phone num­bers) in 10 min­utes: pre­ci­sion and speed, like tak­ing notes, only you write them down imme­di­ately in your brain;
  • 100 pie­ces of infor­ma­tion in 20 min­utes.


  • 9 ses­sions in 3 weeks.


  • 750 euros.
Clients come to visit memory coach even from other countries
Max Maximov was in Ukraine on busi­ness and came to see me. Eh, we had a good time back then



  • the pro­gram embeds the skill of mem­oriz­ing com­monly encoun­tered infor­ma­tion (nor­mal peo­ple find it impos­si­ble to mem­orize);
  • includes a short­ened ver­sion of the START program.


  • to form the skill of mem­oriz­ing com­mon types of infor­ma­tion.


  • learn to mem­orize his­tor­i­cal and exact dates, start and end dates of events, con­s­tants, and for­mu­las, per­sons and names, birth­days, addresses, tele­phone num­bers, car license plates, sched­ules, anec­dotes, place names and objects, terms and their inter­pre­ta­tions, for­eign words, and char­ac­ters, codes, and pass­words, ques­tions, and answ­ers, fac­tual infor­ma­tion;
  • learn to mem­orize infor­ma­tion sys­tem­at­i­cally;
  • learn how to man­age the stor­age time of infor­ma­tion in mem­ory.

Alexan­der the Great remem­bered the 30,000 sol­diers of his army by sight and name. He was brought up from the age of 13 by the ancient Greek philoso­pher Aris­to­tle, author of the trea­tise “On Mem­ory and Rem­i­nis­cence”. And mnemon­ics for the ancient Greeks is like arith­metic and the rules of writ­ing for us. Cyrus, Cae­sar, Napoleon—many used mnemon­ics

Practical value:

  • the abil­ity to mem­orize the most com­mon types of infor­ma­tion with 100% pre­ci­sion for a self-deter­mined period: from short-term to life­long stor­age in mem­ory;
  • the abil­ity to mem­orize any data struc­tures (clas­si­fi­ca­tions, charts, chrono­log­i­cal and other tables);
  • the abil­ity to mem­orize blocks of dif­fer­ent infor­ma­tion about peo­ple;
  • the abil­ity to mem­orize, at a basic level, for­eign words, and hiero­glyphs;
  • free move­ment through infor­ma­tion in mem­ory, as in com­puter files, which allows read­ing infor­ma­tion from mem­ory in for­ward and back­ward order, selec­tively, by key­word or ques­tion, in alpha­bet­i­cal order, or by serial num­ber.

Numerical characteristics:

  • 25 main types of infor­ma­tion;
  • 100 blocks of infor­ma­tion (not indi­vid­ual let­ters, words, or num­bers, as in START, but blocks of infor­ma­tion united by mean­ing).


  • 12 ses­sions in 4 weeks.


  • 1000 euros.
Life changed after the memory training
Marina Binevskaya came to me in 2016. I chose Marina’s tes­ti­mo­nial because she had to solve com­plex prob­lems in sev­eral lan­guages at the same time. And this exam­ple shows very well the power of mnemon­ics.
Marina grad­u­ated from I. M. Sechenov First State Med­i­cal Uni­ver­sity. She worked in her home coun­try, Switzer­land, in China. But that was not enough for her: she wanted a Euro­pean edu­ca­tion, so she moved to Italy and enrolled at the Uni­ver­sity of Genoa. Along with her stud­ies, she decided to con­firm her diploma. To do this, she had to retake the pro­gram. She grad­u­ated from Sechenov Uni­ver­sity 8 years ago. She did not know Ital­ian. After grad­u­a­tion, she wanted to go to grad­u­ate school and defend her dis­ser­ta­tion there in 3 years. And then an Israeli clinic invited her to work and she had to learn Hebrew.
The tasks are com­pli­cated, there are many of them, and they all come together at the same time. Marina has a bril­liant abil­ity, but without mnemon­ics even she would have a hard time. I took a screen­shot of Marina tag­ging me on Insta­gram a few years later. It’s always nice to get that kind of news from clients.



  • the pro­gram embeds the skill of learn­ing any for­eign lan­guage 2‑3 times faster and more reli­ably than tra­di­tional meth­ods;
  • includes all stages of lan­guage learn­ing, no mat­ter what form you learn them after­ward: on your own, with a tutor, or in a group;
  • includes a short­ened ver­sion of the START program.


  • to form the skill of mem­oriz­ing for­eign lan­guages.


  • learn to mem­orize words and phrases;
  • learn to mem­orize struc­tural pat­terns;
  • learn to mem­orize gram­mat­i­cal rules;
  • learn to mem­orize forms of irreg­u­lar verbs;
  • learn to mem­orize ver­ba­tim edu­ca­tional texts, poems, and song lyrics;
  • learn to mem­orize mono­logues and dia­logues.

Practical value:

  • the abil­ity to mem­orize the basic ele­ments of any for­eign lan­guage;
  • increas­ing the reli­a­bil­ity and speed of learn­ing any for­eign lan­guage by 2‑3 times.

Numerical characteristics:

  • 50‑100 for­eign words in 1 hour;
  • 50‑100 for­eign phrases in one hour;
  • an edu­ca­tional text, verse, or song text for one hour.


  • 15 ses­sions in 5 weeks.


  • 1250 euros.
Richard and Tanya studied mnemonics individually with Bogdan
Richard Zitzer and Tat­jana Günt­ner—Munich, Ger­many
Bogdan Rudenko visiting clients in Munich
Bogdan Rudenko with clients at Hofbräuhaus



  • the pro­gram embeds the skill of mem­oriz­ing com­plex text infor­ma­tion;
  • includes a short­ened ver­sion of the START program.

mnemonic device, or mem­ory device, is any learn­ing tech­nique that aids infor­ma­tion reten­tion or retrie­val (remem­ber­ing) in the human mem­ory for bet­ter under­stand­ing


  • to form the skill of mem­oriz­ing a com­plex text.


  • learn to mem­orize tex­tual infor­ma­tion, from the sim­plest text to the most com­plex text;
  • learn to mem­orize text­books and books of sim­i­lar com­plex­ity;
  • learn to mem­orize lec­tures, reports, pre­sen­ta­tions, abs­tracts of public speeches;
  • learn to mem­orize method­i­cal lit­er­a­ture;
  • learn to mem­orize legal acts;
  • learn to mem­orize the main points of books.

Practical value:

  • the abil­ity to mem­orize com­plex text: arti­cles, mag­azines, text­books, books, lec­tures, laws, ency­clo­pe­dias.

Numerical characteristics:

  • a text­book or hand­book in 1 evening.


  • 18 ses­sions in 6 weeks.


  • 1500 euros.

Three typical examples

  1. The own­ers of a trou­bled hold­ing com­pany invited cri­sis man­ager Robert to put their com­pa­nies in order.

The sit­u­a­tion had to be rec­ti­fied in unfa­mil­iar com­pa­nies, and even more so in cri­sis con­di­tions—ten­sion, lack of time, and con­flict of par­ties. The man­ager from the out­side is always a stranger to the team. Any deci­sion by him is received with hos­til­ity.

Know­ing this, Robert turned to me two months before his appoint­ment.

After UNIVERSAL and TEXT he not only coped with the flow of new infor­ma­tion but also imme­di­ately earned cred­i­bil­ity: in the same way that Alexan­der the Great, Cae­sar and Napoleon knew all the sol­diers of their army by sight and name, Robert addressed the employ­ees of the hold­ing by name from day one, oper­at­ing with the details of their biogra­phies.

Employ­ees, amazed by Robert’s abil­i­ties, were in awe of him. And part­n­ers and com­peti­tors con­vinced that Robert held the story of their rela­tion­ship in his head, per­ceived him as a genius.

  1. Larisa, Ph.D., As­so­ciate Pro­fes­sor, Deputy Head of the Depart­ment of For­eign Lan­guages at the Ukrainian Diplo­matic Academy, is a pro­fes­sional lin­guist of the high­est level who has interned in Canada, Lon­don, and Cam­bridge. Holds an Inter­na­tional Cer­tifi­cate in English Lan­guage Teach­ing (ICELT).

While teach­ing diplo­mats, attachés, and sec­re­taries of embassies at the academy, as well as per­sonal stu­dents, Larissa told them “WHAT to mem­orize” but could not pro­vide the tools to answer the ques­tion of “HOW to mem­orize.” Banal rote learn­ing did not ensure the reli­a­bil­ity and speed of mem­oriza­tion.

POLYGLOT turned out to be a sal­va­tion. After the train­ing Larissa became a leg­endary teacher—peo­ple were wait­ing in line for indi­vid­ual les­sons with her months in advance.

  1. After grad­u­at­ing from an elite high school in Ukraine, Dmitry had to enter one of the most pres­ti­gious edu­ca­tional insti­tu­tions in the United States.

He was an excel­lent stu­dent. He knew English well. He never com­plained of a bad mem­ory. Nev­er­the­less, given the impor­tance of the task, over the sum­mer Dmitry passed UNIVERSAL, POLYGLOT, and TEXT.

Not only did he get into the uni­ver­sity, but he was also able, one of the few for­eign­ers, to get a scho­l­ar­ship.

Thanks to his mem­oriza­tion skills, Dmitry suc­cess­fully stud­ied fur­ther—in another lan­guage, in another coun­try, with other peo­ple, and in another edu­ca­tional sys­tem.

How to become an individual client

I won’t be able to waste my energy and time on some­thing I’m not inter­ested in, even for a lot of money.

But I would be happy to work with you:

  1. If you under­s­tand exactly why you need the skill of mem­oriza­tion. I will not moti­vate you and explain how it helps you study, work, build a career and busi­ness, advance in per­sonal devel­op­ment and other areas of life. Come to me already moti­vated.
  2. If you are ready to train and do not believe in “magic pills” for mem­ory. Don’t think that you can pay and your mem­ory itself will become phe­nom­e­nal. You have to do a lot of spe­cial exer­cises under my gui­d­ance to form a skill.

It does not guar­an­tee that I will teach. But without it, you and I won’t suc­ceed.

Without strong moti­va­tion, you can’t han­dle the work­load. Get ready for seri­ous train­ing—I drive my indi­vid­ual stu­dents to the sev­enth sweat. Despite this, your inter­est in the classes will be con­s­tant.

Phys­i­cally, I can not lead more than 3 peo­ple at a time. The fourth will not be able to get to me for any money. So be pre­pared for the fact that some­times you have to wait until there is a space avai­l­able.

“In the begin­n­ing, you will pay only for the first ses­sion. We’ll look at each other: you’ll try it out with me, and I’ll ver­ify my assump­tions and your abil­i­ties. If every­thing is nor­mal, we’ll finally strike a deal, and only then will you pay for the remain­ing ses­sions of the agreed-upon course of study”

founder and memory trainer